20, Lobuschstrasse
22765 Hamburg, Germany
+49 40 78807839
1, Magnitogorska street
02094 Kyiv, Ukraine
+380 50 8878346
Hello and welcome at our page for Individual Background (pre-) Employment Screening of Ukrainian PersonnelThis is where you can check Ukrainian employment candidates. |
An employment background screening procedure can assist you in taking a hiring desicion by checking if a person you are hiring is who he claims to be, does not have a criminal record and/or does not have his name involved into dubious businesses. The person's jobs history is also taken under examination allowing to detect or mitigate any risks of your decision to hire anyone you do not really know at first.
Need to screen potential or current employees in Ukraine? Need to know more? Let us schedule a telephone call as to your case. Please
LET US KNOW HOW TO CONTACT YOU and we will get back to you shortly to examine your case in a phone/skype conference.
We guarantee that all information submitted to us will not be disclosed under any circumstance. Check also our page dedicated to companies screening.