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Welcome at our

Online Service for Registrations of UKRAINIAN LIMITED LIABILITY Companies

Please enter requested data at every step while carefully reading the current step instructions. During the
final step "CONFIRM" you can check the records and make amendments if needed.

You can always return to the Company Formation page to have a look at other legal forms.
Not clear enough? Simply LET US KNOW HOW TO CONTACT YOU.

Contact dataCompany nameShareholdersUploadCharter capitalActivitiesDirectorLegal addressConfirm

Please state the amount of the charter capital of the future company. As of April 1., 2012 the minimum charter capital of a Ukrainian LLC amounts to appr. 130,- US dollars. It might seem quite a small investment, but consider the practice for instance. As soon as your Ukrainian company has been setup, it is obliged to report to the Ukrainian Tax Authority on a monthly basis. Such reporting as well as other expenses are required to keep the company working. 130,- US dollars cannot be sufficient for this and other expences. Common types of financing by subsidiaries like mother to daughter company loan are hurdled by the bureaucratic loan registration with the National Bank of Ukraine.

Charter capital* EURO    USD
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