Ukrainian Limited Liability Company Easily Registered

We are going to show you how easily the Ukrainian LLC can be set up. Please keep in mind that the work standards described below should be expected from any Ukrainian law firm, not just us. Such conduct leaves less space for the bureaucracy and ensures the company “birth” process is enjoyable.

Should you choose to set up a Ukrainian LLC of your own, push the button below and proceed to the online company registration form. You will get a free consultation upon submitting your data.


This article handles the registration process of a Ukrainian Limited Liability Company as a  subsidiary (daughter) company of your non-Ukrainian legal entity. Please visit our website for the company formation on-line procedure.

Step 0. the preparation

you should use the best of your imagination to come up with the name of the future company and the best of your research to decide if you really need this. We insist on a in-depth research of the market that you are going to run in and legal environment of your undertaking in Ukraine, in particular taxation, corporate law and customs aspects. Trust us, we’ve seen companies simply left alone as a result of a poor preparation. If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail. As sad as true.

Step 1. Start with a name!

You provide a name for the future company, we check on its availability. If available, we’ll ask for scans of documents on the shareholder (passport in case of individuals, trade registrar excerpt in case of a legal entity) and his/its address.

Step 2. the power of attorney and the resolution

One or our lawyers drafts and emails the Power of Attorney and the Resolution Minutes on Founding a Legal Entity, in case of incorporated shareholders,  to you with instructions on legalization, you sent it back to us by any courier service to Kyiv.

Step 3. the notary actions

We set up your company using the Power of Attorney within a fortnight. The result will be delivering all corporate docs and an operative bank account if needed.

Voilá! Your company is ready to start working!


Please ask us for advice before taking any action. You can do it here, it this blog right after this post. We are always happy to help.


Sincerely yours,
Alexei Sandakov
CEO, Lobusch Consulting

2 Thoughts on “Ukrainian Limited Liability Company Easily Registered

  1. Volodymyr on March 26, 2012 at 21:42 said:

    Can you start a LLC with VAT docs?

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